It is our belief that every organization should have a 4 rooms. Please take a tour into our rooms :-

Business is akin to war. There are competitors, complementors and customers. This is where competitive and growth strategies are birthed.

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”     Sun Tzu

Because of the nature of our industry, we have a knowledge workforce which thinks for a living. We value their intellectual contribution to the business. To this end we ensure that our staff get the best Return on Effort through performance based reward mechanisms.

“Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.”       Sun Tzu

“All work and no play makes Jim a dull boy.”

We believe in work first play later philosophy. We work hard and play hard.

This is the room wherein we carry out introspection regarding our contribution to a better society.

We run entrepreneurship based social responsibility programs. Code named “Entrepreneurship for everyone.”  (Everyone should be an entrepreneur.) Think about it.

Whilst the traditional social programs are important to us, we focus on redeeming the citizens of the countries in which we operate, from the scourge of poverty to a place of prosperity. This is achieved through fostering angel investing, supporting social entrepreneurs and last but not least, providing an attractive return on investment for our shareholders and customers so that they have experiential evidence of being entrepreneurs.

Strategic Rooms